USB Features and Options
School USBs would be provided for teachers to upload their recorded videos. USB plugs directly into Video Notebook. The USBs are standard and will work with any computer or laptop with a USB port.
- 16GB Capacity (holds approx. 5120 minutes video)
- Rubber coating on USB
- School name printed on USB
- 1 color silkscreening on solid color
- Options for 2C printing

Production Time
Production time is approximately 2 weeks for completion. Art is very simple to lay out. You basically lay out your school name in the box and choose the print color + the base color. Proofing is generally electronic on these.
Different USB Model Types – Multiple Dies Available
USBs are available in a variety of different models and shapes, should want to do something unusual. We chose the rubber coated model for this system to help little hands grasp the USB, although it may be more likely that the parent plugs in the USB to upload the video. Please note that the Video Notebook has a built in USB holder that is custom cut for the USB, so the USB model and Video Notebook design should be coordinated.

An Example of How Video Could be Structured on the USB
- The teachers would record video lessons for each subject the student is taking. The teacher could name/organize these by the Day of the Week so the student has a recommended daily curriculum, or the teacher could do it by Lesson Number if the lessons are not taught daily or a more flexible schedule is desired for the student. The Video Notebook buttons can be programmed for either method.
For example, let’s say a student has Language Arts and Math every day of the week, Math and History on alternating days, and special Friday Music lesson. The teacher might lay it out like this:
Language Arts Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Friday
Videos could be organized by the day of the week, or by a lesson number
By Day of the Week | By Lesson Number |
LA-10-05-2020-Monday | LA-Lesson1 |
LA-10-06-2020-Tuesday | LA-Lesson2 |
LA-10-07-2020-Wednesday | LA-Lesson3 |
LA-10-08-2020-Thursday | LA-Lesson4 |
LA-10-09-2020-Friday | LA-Lesson5 |
Math Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Friday
By Day of the Week | By Lesson Number |
MATH-10-05-2020-Monday | MATH -Lesson1 |
MATH-10-06-2020-Tuesday | MATH -Lesson2 |
MATH -10-07-2020-Wednesday | MATH -Lesson3 |
MATH -10-08-2020-Thursday | MATH -Lesson4 |
MATH -10-09-2020-Friday | MATH -Lesson5 |
History Tues/Thurs
By Day | By Lesson Number |
History-10-06-2020-Tuesday | History-Lesson1 |
History-10-08-2020-Thursday | History-Lesson2 |
Science Mon/Wed
By Day | By Lesson Number |
Science-10-05-2020-Monday | History-Lesson1 |
Science-10-07-2020-Wednesday | History-Lesson2 |
Music Fri
By Day | By Lesson Number |
Science-10-09-2020-Friday | Music-Lesson1 |
Student would select the Subject, and then could do all of Monday’s prescribed lessons. On Tuesday, they do the Tuesday lessons, and so forth. If you wanted to allow for a more unstructured flow, we can also program it so that the student can go through the lessons in any order they choose.
- Videos are combined onto a single USB for the student. A teacher’s aide might be responsible for the coordination if there is more than one teacher involved. The USBs are 16GB, and so should not have a problem holding multiple videos.
We would recommend that each student has 3 school USBs assigned to them so the teacher/student can rotate them with some flexibility in the schedule. You could do two (returned USB swapped out with new week’s video USB) per student but that doesn’t allow for much flexibility in the exchange schedule.