This custom printed School Bag is one option for exchanging papers and USBs. Other items like art supplies, or science kits, or maybe a musical instrument can also be sent home with a student.

School Bag Features:
- Custom printed for the School.
- 1C Print, choice of colors
- Options for 2C Printing
- Dimensions 30x40cm (just over 11×15”)
- Double Handles on Top
- Foldable
- Front Pocket
- Material 80g

What can it Hold?
The Teach ME System uses traditional classroom methods of hand graded graded homework and tests. Teachers and students exchange graded papers for new homework assignments and subject handouts. Teachers also record their lessons and upload them to USBs. Teachers and students will trade used USBs for new ones loaded with the upcoming week’s lessons. No worries, we can provide more than one per student so no one has to scramble to get the weekly exchange done.
- Graded Homework
- New Homework
- Handouts for Subjects
- Tests
- Last Week’s USB
- The Upcoming Week’s USB
- Special Items such as
Art Supplies, Science Kits,
Musical Instruments, etc. - Handwritten Notes
An Example
Teacher includes: USB with recorded video for upcoming week, handouts for upcoming week, and graded papers from last week. A recorder instrument for the music teacher is in the bag too. A handwritten note of “Great job this week, Tommy! I loved your story. I hung the elephant drawing on my bulletin board. I miss you!”
Student Includes: Completed homework, last week’s USB to be sanitized and rewritten with new videos. Wishful thinking, but a note to the teacher such as “I got my hair cut. Send more math!”